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Surface Hardening

Many a time surface of a concrete floor is not hard enough for the type of use it is put to. The result is that it wears or dusts off rapidly. It is possible to increase the life of such floors by application of certain materials known as ‘hardeners’ Floor hardeners are generally used for the purpose of hardening the upper matrix of portland cement concrete surface. Reducing the suction of liquids into the surface pores and preventing possible chemical attack. They are effective if the floor is of good quality. Although they have sometimes been used successfully on inferior quality concrete surfaces too. Even on good quality concrete the treatment r.e. Ds renewal at intervals of one year or more depending on service conditions.

Flor-hardeners are a mixture of cement, aggregates (quartz, carborundum or iron particles) and other additives. They consume the tising water from the green concrete, hydrates and gives a hard-wearing and dense surface. The floors, thus cast have becomes an extremely durable, abrasion-resistant surface over a period of time and provides a fairly tough and wear-resisstant surface.

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Surface Hardening

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Surface Hardening

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Surface Hardening